Basket filters & strainers will permit the straining & filtering of a wide variety of fluids, to retain solids of at most any size. All baskets are easily removable & cleanable. Basket strainer elements can be offered in single cylinder, double cylinder, multi cylinder & pleated design depending upon requirement of application.
Basket filters &strainers are normally supplied with spring arrangement at the top of filter element. This will ensure any type of bypassing & confirm the position of basket, even in case of reverse flow. Fluid bypass around the basket is prevented by an optional O’- Ring seal between the basket rim and the housing inside diameter.
Feature and Benefits
- Large-area, heavy-duty basket
- Low pressure drops
- Housing are permanently piped
- Carbon steel, or stainless ateel (304 or 316) housing
- Easy to clean
- Filtration rating from 1 micron to 2000 micron & more
- High pressure rating design available
- Flow rate up to 2000 m3/hr & more
- Customized design available
- All housing made from SS 316L, SS 316 & SS 304 are mirror polished to resist adhesion of dirt and scale.
- Carbon steel housing are sand blasted, Epoxy coated & finally painted with two coats of synthetic enamel
- Liquid displacers for easier servicing
- Duplex/Triplex unit available
- High temperature & high pressure design are available
- Normally designed for free flow area through screen, 4-6 times pipe flow area
- Choice of basket filter elements
-Single cylinder design
-Double cylinder design
-Multi cylinder design
-Pleated element design available for low pressure drop & high dirt hold
Technical Specification
- Sizes: 1″ Line Size To 24″ Line Size
- Flow Rate: Capacity: Up to 2000 m3/hr
- Power Plant
- Process Industries
- Cement plant
- Steel
- Petrochemicals
- Fertilizers
- Refineries
- Oil & Gas
- Chemical
- Textiles